
Walking the Aisles in NYC

Scouting for gorgeous gifts sounds exotic and exciting, but much of our time in NYC is spent passing by dozens of vendors who offer wares more suited to less 'eclectic' shops than Derby Farm. With interest in sustainable products growing each year, however,  there's some exciting goods created from recycled, reusable, and remade materials.

This year my dear friend Nancy Monson embarked on a search as well, and she wrote up her findings for this Viv Mag Blog.  We've already got the cork ipad cases and decomposition books in, and will be getting some other great "earthy-friendly" products over the next month!


Move Over Ned!

Well, we all do love my husband Ned's delicious truffles, but he's in trouble now that we've met Elaine Hsieh!

EH Chocolatiers, based in Somerville, makes artisan chocolates so beautiful and so delicious that I promised to carry them before finishing my first sampling (courtesy of Shannah Hall, customer extraordinaire and Friend of Elaine).

We're carrying a special Valentine's selection, with just a limited number available, but I'm sure you'll be seeing more of these sweet things in the shop before long!